Sharath's blog

Life feels fragile

Life feels fragile

Life often feels like a precarious Jenga tower, and we're the ones hesitantly pulling out the blocks. Every decision, every action, carries the weight of potential collapse. Yet, we continue to play, hearts pounding, acutely aware that everything could crumble in an instant.

As Lewis Thomas so eloquently put it, "How do you organize a life or society when you're told there's no real purpose, no clear progress? And how do you do it with a mind that's wired to seek meaning? Where’s the fun in that?" It's a question that cuts to the core of the human experience, forcing us to grapple with the unsettling disconnect between the inherent randomness of existence and our deep-seated yearning for purpose.

But here lies the paradox: true strength often comes from letting go. This isn't about denial or shirking responsibility; it's about acknowledging that sometimes, despite our best efforts, the tower will fall. And that's okay.

The real challenge lies in accepting that we can't control everything. We've been conditioned to believe that with enough effort, intelligence, or dedication, we can hold everything together. But this simply isn't true.

Letting go requires a seismic shift in perspective. It's not about apathy; it's about recognizing the boundaries of our influence and making conscious choices about where to invest our energy. It means releasing the grip of perfectionism, embracing failure as a teacher, and understanding that some things are simply beyond our grasp.

Here's the uncomfortable truth: sometimes, caring less isn't the easy way out—it's the bravest thing we can do. It's about resisting the urge to fix everything, to be the savior in every scenario, or to dictate every outcome. It's about stepping back when our instincts scream at us to charge forward, and trusting that things will unfold as they should—or that we'll have the strength to handle them if they don't.

This isn't detachment; it's balance. Caring too much can lead to burnout, anxiety, and a stifling sense of paralysis. Caring less—strategically—allows us to focus on what truly matters without being crushed beneath the weight of the rest. It's about choosing our battles wisely, knowing when to act and when to surrender, and granting ourselves the grace to not have all the answers.

So, when I say, "Life's too short to be bogged down by constant worry," I'm not advocating for ignorance or a life on autopilot. I'm urging you to care wisely—to pour your heart into the things that matter most and release the rest.

It's easy to say, "Don't worry, be happy." The true test comes in putting it into practice when life feels chaotic. It's excruciatingly difficult to let go of the need for control, to embrace uncertainty, and to accept that some things won't go according to plan. But that's precisely where true growth blossoms. When we learn to let go—not out of apathy, but out of wisdom—we create the space for peace, creativity, and genuine fulfillment.

Life is too precious for anything less than truly living. And truly living means embracing both the beauty and the messiness of it all. It means laughing at the absurdity, savoring the small moments, and knowing when to care deeply and when to let go. It's not easy—but it's the most worthwhile journey you'll ever embark on.
