Sharath's blog

Turning 36

As I turn 36 today, I'm struck by how the passage of time shapes our sense of self. The first 21 years of my life are still vivid in my memory—and then, as the years have passed, milestones like my first job, marrying the love of my life, and spending two years in the U.S. remain clear and distinct. Those significant moments seem to have grown fewer and farther between, almost like they’re slipping into the distance.

As my therapist once said, "your validation should not come externally, as they become fewer and slower as you grow older."

As I enter what I consider the second half of my life—something tells me I might live until 72—I find myself wanting to be more intentional about cherishing these fleeting moments. Life has a way of speeding up, and I want to ensure that, when I look back in the years to come, this reflection evolves into a rich, meaningful narrative. Perhaps when I revisit this at 72, it will have grown into a full, compelling story—one that captures a life well-lived.

Learnings/ Musings/ Reflections/ Guiding Principles:
